Consultation type
Specialists of different profiles are engaged in consulting. We provide interdisciplinary mantic advice. This means that in working with your request one or more mantic systems will be used, which include astrology, Tarot cards, runes, palmistry, numerology, I-Ching hexagrams, etc. These systems are esoteric in origin, which creates certain difficulties in their use, since esotericism does not have a common standard.
Often the practitioner and the client put different meanings into such consultations. You do not need to understand esotericism, but it is important for us that you are well aware of how the consultation will take place, our principles of work and approach, so please, before agreeing to a consultation, check out our approach to individual consultation to make sure that we understand each other correctly.
How we are working
When we receive a request for consultation, we always ask the clients to make a list of questions of interest to them. You don’t need to send it to us. This is necessary so that the clients do not forget to ask something, and also made us understand with the help of this list the limit of information that they expect. This is an important point: many people avoid such consultations, because they are afraid to hear something that will greatly upset them. There is a good rule of thumb: “Don’t itch where it does not itch.” This means that we do not read long and lengthy lectures, but answer exactly the questions that are asked to us. If the client does not ask about money, his/her sex life or black magic, then we will not talk about these topics. The client determines what we will talk about, not the practitioner.
Next, we set a convenient time for a consultation, which lasts 50 minutes, as well as its format, in-person in Warsaw, or online (communication means). We recommend making an audio recording of the consultation. The fact is that it can be very useful to listen to it after a while, to make sure that you understood everything correctly, and also, possibly, to perceive some interpretations from a new perspective.
A consultation always starts with a “briefing”. The practitioner asks the client if he or she has experience with this kind of consultation. If there is no experience, or the client was with a specialist whose approach is fundamentally different from ours, we clarify the format and principles of subsequent work. If the consultation will be based on the use of, for example, Tarot cards and astrology, then the practitioner tells the client the following:
We will work with you in a dialogue mode. You will ask me a question, and I will lay out cards under it. Cards are a certain symbolic language, and my task will be to translate the answer from the language of symbols into an understandable human language. You ask me the next question, I give you another answer, and so on. In parallel, I will constantly check with your horoscope so that there are no big discrepancies between what appears in the cards and what the horoscope says. Although these are two different systems, if we apply them simultaneously in relation to the same situation of yours, they begin to correct and complement each other. More accurate interpretations are obtained. It is very important that you are also active: interrupt and correct me; since the last word still remains with you, and not with the cards or stars.
Now is a very important point. Both Tarot cards and astrology, in my opinion, still mostly show the present, that is, today’s situation. There will, of course, be a certain forecast for the future, but these things are quite mobile and changeable, and in these systems they are more manifested in the form of trends, rather than a rigid forecast. Therefore, if suddenly something falls out that you do not like, you definitely do not need to be scared. Together we will try to analyze the situation more deeply and choose the direction that suits you. It turns out that today we will not so much talk about some harsh predictions of Destiny, but we will navigate in the present day and find those directions that will be optimal for you.
And the last thing. Tarot cards and astrology have a reputation that I don’t quite agree with. Many people perceive these systems as purely predictive. Consequently, such clients evaluate the quality of the practitioner’s work according to the criteria “come true or not come true”. I have a completely different approach. What we are going to talk about today does not necessarily have to come true. My criteria for a good consultation are: “it became clearer and calmer, or everything got even more confused.” Please, remember that you cannot make decisions in your life based solely on cards or horoscopes. This will be just one of the opinions that you can take into account or not when making future decisions. The fact that this is an esoteric outlook on your life does not at all make it fundamental. No Higher Forces will punish you for doing your own thing. It is important that you listen to yourself first. Moreover, I believe that cards do not so much predict the future as push in a certain direction, or take away from something. At the same time, the basis is not at all the principle of the comfort of our Ego, but a more holistic development of our entire nature. Therefore, it may well be that this consultation will play against the momentary desires of your Ego, but in favor of your whole life in the long run.
Next, the client and the practitioner begin to move through the list of questions that the client has prepared for the consultation.
The list of questions can be almost anything. There are no “forbidden topics” of questions, but not entirely successful formulations. Sometimes it is impossible to answer either because the system is not designed for such answers, or the question is contrary to ethics. Here are examples of different topics of questions with good and bad phrases:
Questions: when, who, how much and what exactly
We are clearly convinced that mantic systems have limitations; therefore, not all questions can be answered accurately. However, maybe some of our colleagues think differently.
– If you are interested in the exact dates of certain events, then it is unlikely that you will be able to clearly define them. Systems allow you to roughly outline the “windows of probability” when this or that event could happen. But there is never a guarantee that it will happen in this particular period, and whether it will happen at all. This applies to absolutely any event.
– Systems never point to a specific person or place, regardless of the question. They give a generalized description, and more often than not the inner world of a person, thoughts and motivation. Therefore, it is not worth investigating crimes exclusively with the help of the mantics, looking for lost objects or people. Mantic systems can help in such matters, but only in cooperation with those structures who are supposed to be involved in the investigation and search;
– Systems will not accurately indicate amounts or numbers. Sometimes you can guess quite accurately, but you don’t need to place big bets on these answers. So don’t ask how much money I will get, what lottery ticket number to buy, or how many marriages or children I will have.
– There is one unpleasant moment with which not all colleagues willingly agree. Tarot cards, for example, show the nature of the event well, but very poorly answer the question “When?” Astrology, on the contrary, will more accurately say “when”, but will give a very abstract description of the event itself. That is why it is good to combine several systems at once. But it is important to remember: with all your desire, you will not be able to accurately model the future and predict it. The systems show the present, and the development trend of this present. You are changing in the present, the future is changing. It is always better to focus on the present moment rather than trying to guess the future in order to avoid something unpleasant, or to guarantee something you want.
Psychology and Self-Development Theme
In our opinion, this is the main topic for which these systems are intended:
– Any psychological issue can be analyzed using the mantic system, and analyzed deeply enough. Another thing is that analysis is not a solution. During the consultation, it is often possible to very clearly identify the problem, but it will have to be solved with the help of the same psychology or psychotherapy, which implies a completely different format of work.
– The beauty of mantic systems is that they look at a person in a broader context than is accepted in the same psychology. Astrology, based on cycles, the ideas of reincarnation and karma, sometimes provides an excellent additional explanation of a particular period and psychological state, as well as its meaning, if you initially consider your life from the perspective of a particular esoteric philosophy.
– Like psychology, mantic systems help to comprehend one’s own uniqueness. But you have to be careful here. It is worth agreeing with an interpretation only when it finds a deep response within. If after the consultation you feel that many previously fragmented aspects of your life have come together, then everything went well. If you have been told something with which you are not ready to agree, do not agree in any case: either the practitioner was mistaken, or he/she was mistaken in your readiness to hear the interpretation. In any case, this is practitioner’s mistake.
Relationship Theme
The topic of relationships is one of the most fertile for working with mantic systems, if fairly simple rules are followed:
– It is always better to analyze the state of relations and the dynamics of their development. The systems show well crises, family destructive scenarios, the characteristics of each partner. It is not worth asking whether to marry or not, to divorce or not. It is better to understand how both partners are currently ready for marriage or divorce. Remember, it is the client, not the practitioner, who decides where to turn a particular relationship.
– Compatibility issues are popular. It is important to understand here that we are not talking about the search for the “One and Only”, who is prepared by fate once and for all, but about what kind of relationship is possible and productive with this particular person. It’s not necessarily a romantic relationship format. You can also analyze collegial, friendship or other connections. It is better to always consider these issues from the point of view of the resource availability of this contact, based on the needs of each client.
– We understand that sometimes people really want to, but should not ask what a certain person thinks or feels. Not that this is impossible, but rather unethical and questionable. The systems will show a freeze picture at that particular moment. Moreover, the same concepts are perceived differently by everyone. Therefore, the answer to the question “Does he love me?” can be very disappointing if you do not first figure out whether partners understand the concept of love in the same way.
– The topic of sexuality can be analyzed in the same way as any other. But do not forget that this is one of the most intimate and difficult topics. It requires tact, accuracy, and competence in matters of sexology. You can explore your own sexuality if the client has enough confidence in the practitioner. But you definitely don’t need to ask how to seduce someone.
– The topic of loyalty and love triangles is often avoided by practitioners themselves for ethical reasons. We will add that mantic systems are not very suitable for this. If you ask the question whether my partner is cheating on me, you can get a snapshot of his fantasies and inclinations, which does not mean at all that he/she implements them in practice. As a result, you can fall into a very unpleasant trap. It is better to ask differently: to what extent do you fully realize your partner’s need for something. And here it is important to understand that if this is not a “mother-baby” relationship, then besides you, the partner also needs other people.
Children Theme
We do not consult children at all, as well as adolescents under 18 years old without the presence of their parents. However, the topic of children comes up very often, and mantic systems can be very useful in these matters:
– In no other period in a person there are so many qualitative psychological changes as in the first 20 years of life. If parents want to better understand their child, adjust their relationship with him/her, determine his/her potential and invest in child’s development, the mantics can be very useful in these matters.
– You shouldn’t ask how many children I will have, what gender they will be, and when they will be born. We know that some of our colleagues answer such questions, we do not. We believe that these are not given things, but the choice of each person. You can roughly understand how many it would be nice to have children in order to maximize your full potential (not only parental). You can also say in what periods it would be better to devote yourself to parenting, but the final decision on such issues should be made only by the client.
Topic of work and career guidance
In our opinion, systems such as astrology work much better with career guidance issues than modern psychology does. The topic of work also arises quite often at mantic consultations.
– The question of what to do in life worries not only adolescents. Very rarely, at an early age, we choose a profession consciously. Therefore, the desire to change the field of activity can arise at any age. It is important to understand that the name of the profession is not written in the horoscope, but it contains a huge number of individual characteristics of a person, comparing which, you can significantly narrow down the possible choice of profession.
– A person sometimes has to choose a place of work, having several offers. Tarot cards work great with such questions, since they can describe in detail all the features of each of the proposed jobs: career opportunities and development, income level, relationships with the team and many other details, understanding which, it is easier to make a choice.
– A certain place of work is rarely life-long. Sometimes it already exhausts itself, and a person begins to suffer from doubts whether to work further or look for a new job. This, again, is a wonderful request for mantic consultation, since it is possible to determine if there is still some resource at a given place of work, as well as how good the current period is for changing jobs (is the person psychologically tuned enough for such changes and subsequent adaptation).
– At work, relationships with colleagues, bosses or subordinates are also often questionable. As with the topic of personal relationships, a thorough analysis of the difficulties in communication in the workplace can be carried out here. Sometimes you need to select an employee, in which the mantics is also useful, as it helps to reveal a lot of features of the potential of the applicant.
– Self-employed people are often interested in their projects and their profitability. Mantics, of course, will not draw up a business plan and will not tell you how to make money step by step, but it does a good job of analyzing already conceived or existing projects and shows the dynamics of their development. Sometimes the client is in a hurry, or does not see obvious mistakes in the plan. Sometimes he/she chooses a person with conflicting motives as a business partner. All this manifests itself in mantic consultations, if the client is interested in such questions.
Money Themes
You need to be careful in this topic. It’s not that the mantics is useless in such matters. The problem is responsibility. The client should remember that decisions regarding large financial transactions should be made not only on the basis of mantic consultation.
– Mantics really shows a lot in the topic of finance. For example, the very scheme of earnings, psychological blocks that interfere with increasing income, as well as errors in financial planning itself. There is also the concept of periods that are more or less favorable financially. One can really see if it is worth buying or selling something, not from the point of view of advice, but from the point of view of getting a more panoramic picture of the whole process.
– It must be remembered that mantic systems often do not predict so much as push into a certain experience or withdraw from something that interferes with development. Therefore, it may well turn out that they will take you away from a successful financial transaction or even push you into a situation where you can lose money, since you have placed the wrong accents in your life, and finances are the last thing you should think about now. Keep this in mind when making decisions. Mantics is not an analysis of the future, but a pointer to the crossroads of the present. And it shows only the direction that is useful in the long-term perspective of your spiritual development, and not the momentary mercantile desires of your Ego.
Extreme Situations Themes
The situation with extreme situations is very similar. Sometimes these are lessons, albeit painful ones. And if you need to go through them, then the mantic systems will not show you anything.
– The topic of dangerous periods is clearly visible. But it is important to remember that danger is not a guarantee of disaster. This is the period when you need to be careful, spend more resources on your own safety than usual.
– If you do not ask about the danger, then it may not manifest itself in mantic symbols. That is, the practitioner simply will not read this information as an event hazard, if the question was not formulated in this way. Therefore, you should not blame the practitioner for not warning you about the danger, if you did not ask about it.
– Also, you should not avoid literally any discomfort in your life, since often it is a moderate level of stress that pushes us into development. It is important to understand that the upcoming difficulties are comparable to the inner forces, and also to realize the meaning of these difficulties.
Health and Medicine Theme
This is one of the most difficult topics in terms of ethics.
– You need to immediately understand that mantic systems are not an MRI or an X-ray machine. You cannot be diagnosed or prescribed treatment. In no case should a mantic consultation replace a real visit to the doctor and a classic examination.
– Nevertheless, the mantics is based on a completely different picture of the world, in which what science calls psychosomatics concerns not only 7 diseases, but all problems at the level of the body. The consultation can be useful for understanding the metaphysic nature of the disease, its psychological basis. It is possible, in general, to determine how correct a person’s lifestyle is, how full of energy he/she is, or still needs rest.
– There are also situations when different doctors recommend several methods of treatment, and the client cannot choose between them. In this case, the consultation will help to reveal all the options and facilitate the choice. But once again: the last word here belongs to traditional medicine.
Jurisprudence Topics
Such questions are encountered, and mantic systems can be of assistance.
– It is quite possible to analyze the dynamics of litigation, if necessary, adjust the strategy, select a lawyer (just like in matters of hiring an employee).
– Usually, such topics are extremely exhausting psychologically, and then the consultation will also be useful in finding the necessary support resources during the trial.
Themes of Magical Influences
This is a classic theme, and the mantics has been used for this kind of diagnosis since time immemorial.
– It is important to understand that not everything that seems to be curse is really it. In our more than 20 years of practice, out of about 500 clients, a real magical attack was observed in a maximum of 1-2 people. – It is useful here to discuss the mechanism itself, as well as the philosophical and worldview foundations of the very concept of “hex, evil eye or curse.” Esotericism is very rational; it is simply guided by other rules and laws. Accordingly, the client can arm oneself with useful knowledge to distinguish between real and fictional danger, which precisely harmonizes his/her psychological state.
The Topic of Purpose or Meaning of Life
Despite the global nature of the questions, they are often asked lately.
– It is important to remember that the esoteric and scientific picture of the world is very different. During the consultation, you will be able to talk about purpose only from the perspective of an esoteric worldview, and this inevitably includes the concepts of reincarnation, karma and the metaphysic planes of the Universe.
– Purpose and karma are always discussed in the most abstract terms. This is due to two reasons. On the one hand, the systems do not provide a precise answer to this question. On the other hand, a person always has a fairly wide range of living his/her destiny, since the principle of free will should not be violated.
Consultations are conducted in Russian or English. The price for a consultation is based on several criteria: the language of the consultation, the number of questions, the complexity of the questions, the number of methods used. All these issues are discussed with clients in advance. Payment is made after consultation.
We work in a tight schedule, so the client’s delay does not serve as a reason to extend the scheduled consultation time and does not affect its price. If you are 20 minutes late, the consultation will last 30 minutes and its cost will be full. An exception is technical failure on either side. In this case, the consultation can be postponed (at no additional charge).
So, let’s summarize.
Our Principles of Mantic Counseling
– Consultation is always a dialogue between the practitioner and the client, therefore the most important principle is “no harm”. The practitioner should be aware of what is happening during the consultation between him/her and the client, have psychological awareness and competence, and also perceive the client as an equal interlocutor.
– The main expert in a client’s life is the client himself/herself, not the cards, stars or lines on client’s palm. The task of the consultation is to help the client to understand with the help of the above-mentioned systems in his/her situation, to clarify difficult points, to provide support. The practitioner does not make a decision for the client, but helps him/her to acquire sufficient resilience and self-confidence so that clients can make a decision on their own.
– Unlike most practitioners, we believe that none of these systems predict an unchanging future. They reflect only the current situation with a possible forecast for the near development of events. We believe that a person is, to a great extent, the master of his/her own life, so we do not intimidate the client with Fate or Destiny, do not prophesy inevitable events, but rather voice the probabilities, helping the clients to choose the preferred direction of their life on their own. Our criteria for a competent consultation are not “came true or not,” but how calm, clarified and confident the client feels during and after the consultation.
– We do not answer questions that we are not asked. Thus, we respect the client’s right to receive exactly the information he/she asks for. That is why we ask clients, when making an appointment for a consultation, to think over a list of questions of interest to them so that they can concentrate on this list during the consultation and get the necessary answers.
– We believe that mantic systems do not solve problems, but only diagnose them. Therefore, if your request does not satisfy the capabilities of the system, we will definitely point you to this, and also try to advise those specialists who can help you. That is, we do not substitute ourselves for doctors, psychologists or lawyers, but we can express our opinion on your question, not forgetting to remind you that you need to solve the problem at the appropriate address.
– With the correct handling of mantic systems, the client may experience a feeling of relief or even euphoria, which will make him/her tempted to solve all the problems with the help of card or horoscopes. It is for this reason that we have a restriction on consultation (no more than once every three months). It is important for us to maintain independence, self-reliance and awareness in our clients, not reinforce their addictive behavior.
– We do not provide consultations to persons under the age of 18 without the presence of their parents. However, the mantics has proven itself to be excellent in career guidance. If you are under 18 years old and you would like to analyze your predisposition to certain professions, we can work with you only in the presence of your parents or guardians.
If you still have questions, you can contact us to clarify those points that you do not understand. We always agree to a preliminary clarifying free conversation to answer any remaining questions.