In 2020, guided by the results of the Delphi experiment, Bialiauski Group decided to conduct a sociological survey among tarologists “Census of Tarot Practitioners – 2020”. The purpose of this survey was to obtain a demographic model of the Russian-speaking Tarot community and answers to basic questions about its representatives. Age, gender, experience, geography, professional data, preferences in the subject of work, decks and literary sources. This project will be repeated every five years in order to study the dynamics of processes in the professional Tarot community. Below we offer a detailed report on the results of this survey. If you missed this “census”, but would like to take part in the next survey in 2025, please send us a message using any of the convenient contacts at the bottom of this page.
Белявский Г.Н. «Перепись» Таро практиков – 2020. Подробный отчет.